Can a tourist apply for a residence permit in Turkey?

Turkish visa: Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakh citizens can stay in Turkey for 90 days per half-year. There are no restrictions for crossing the border. For Russian citizens, however, theperiod of stay in thecountry is strictlylimitedupto 60 daysfor a permanentstay. The 90-day rule however remains, e.g. you can leave Turkey just for 1 day and then come again for 30 days. You only need a passport valid for at least 4 months when crossing the border.

If you want to stay in the country for the longer time you will have to apply for the residence permit.

  • Residence permit

This is an official document that allowstheforeign citizen stostay legally in Turkeyfor a certainperiod of time, orwithoutany time limit, depending on the application. You will have two months to apply for the extension of your residence permit before it expires. A residence permit is usually issued for a period of 1-2 years.

  • What does the residence permit in Turkey grantto a foreigner?
  1. Legal residence in Turkey.
  • A residence permit is issued not only to the applicant, but also to the whole members of his family (spouse, children under the age of 18, parents in care).
  • Obtaining a mortgage loan on the same grounds as for the Turkish citizens.
  • The opportunity to get a driver’s license and purchase a car.

!!! It is important to know that when you have a residence permit, you will receive the status of a taxpayer, according to that you will be obliged to pay taxes.

How much does it cost to get a Turkish residence permit?
  • Types of the residence permit in Turkey
  1. Short-term residence permit

A short-term residence permit is issued for a period from 1 to 2 years.  A short-term residence permit is issued due to the following applications:

  • Real estate in Turkey
  • Tourism
  • Learning theTurkish language (withthepermission of the Ministry of Public Education)
  • Studentexchange, studingandinternship in Turkey (Education in EU countriesand Youth program`Erasmus`).
  • The Medical Treatment in Turkey (with the exclusion of a health condition that poses a dangerandthre at too ther people.)
  • Commercial relation shipsand business start-up
  • Work in Turkey
  • Familyand kin-relatedrelationships
  • Long-term residen cepermit

A long-term residen cepermit is indefinite, but it can be obtainedbytheforeignerswhichhavebeenliving on theterritory of Turkeyfor 8 years on anyotherresidencepermit, andalsorefugees. Whenyouaregranted a long-term residence permit, you will receive the samerights as theTurkish citizens, exceptthevoting in elections, military service andduty in thepublic service. A residence permit may be revokedif theresidentleavestheterritory of Turkey formorethan one year.

  • Family residence permit

A family residence permit is issuedupto 3 years to the spouses of Turkish citizens, as also childrenandparents in care.

  • Student residen cepermit

It is intended for primary and secondary education students in Turkish schools, as well as undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate students and for Turkish language students in special courses. İts validity period corresponds to the whole period of studing.

  • List of documents that are required to obtain a short-term residence permit
  1. Application form for obtaining the residence permit
  • 4 biometric photos on a white background
  • The original and a copy of the passport
  • Valid medical insurance (not required for residents under 18 and over 65 years old).
  • Сertificate of marriage and the birth of children (sworn translation of the birth certificate and marriage, in some instances, an apostille is required)
  • e-mail and Turkish phone number
  • A lease agreement in Turkey or TAPU (ownership of real estate)
  • Receipt of payment of the state duty (for this you will need to obtain a number of the taxpayer)
  • List of documents requiredfortheextension of theresidence permit

You need to apply for an extension of a short-term residence permit 60 days before the expiration of the current Ikamet card.

  1. 4 biometric photos on a white background
  • Application form for extension of the residence permit
  • The original and a copy of the passport
  • A copy of the residence permit from both sides
  • A copy of a notarized apartment rental agreement
  • A copy of the registration from Nyfus (if your address has not been changed). If the address has been changed, you have to register at the new address.
  • Valid medical insurance
  • Сertificate of marriage and the birth of children (sworn translation of the birth certificate and marriage, in some instances, an apostille is required)
  • Receipt of payment of the state duty (for this you will need to obtain a number of the taxpayer)
  • The reasons for refusal, cancellation or non-extension of the residence permit in Turkey
  1. Non-compliance with one or more requirements for the obtaining of a residence permit
  • Falsification of the documents
  • Identification of the inconsistency of the actual purpose for obtaining a residence permit
  • The expenses for the registration of residence permit in Turkey

How much does it cost to get a Turkish residence permit?

  1. The fixed price for the Ikamet card is an administration fee is about 160 TL in 2022.
  • The annual total today varies from 326 to 7280 TL, it is depending on the country of permanent residence in where the citizen previously lived, which affects the cost of the  Ikamet in Turkey.
  • For the USA, UK, EU countries and most other states – the amount for the year is about 1040 TL ($80).
  • Republic of Belarus 508 TL (39$)
  • Tadjikistan 7280 TL (560$)
  • Russia 326 TL (25$)
  • Medical insurance,  which is obligatory for all adult foreigners under the age of 65.The prices may vary from 500 to 1800 TL, and the cheapest insurance is for the children from school and preschool age.
  • The requirements for obtaining a long-term residence permit in Turkey
  1. Permanently residing in Turkey during the period of eight years.
  • Not receiving a social assistance in the last 3 years
  • Have the sources of income sufficient for the living and maintenance  the family.
  • The presence of valid medical insurance
  • Not to pose a threat to public safety and order.
  1. List of the documents that is required to obtain a long-term residence permit in Turkey
  • Application form for obtaining the residence permit
  • The original and a copy of the passport
  • 4 biometric photos on a white background
  • A copy of the residence permit from both sides
  • Valid medical insurance
  • The original certificate of the absence of the social assistance for the last 3 years
  • The original document on the availability of the permanent income during the period of residence
  • Certificate of no previous criminal conviction
  • Documents/Receipt of payment for the accommodation of the apartment