How Can I Obtain A Turkish Citizenship?

How can I obtain a Turkish citizenship?

  1. Byrightof  thesuccession
  2. Purchase a propertyvalued not lessthan $400,000
  3. Start your own business in Turkey employing at least 50 Turkish nationals.
  4. Naturalisationbyright of the ownership, with thenecessary residence in Turkey for 5 years, with realestate property.
  5. Marrywith a Turkishcitizen.
  6. Deposit not lessthan $500,000 in a Turkish bank account
  7. Invest at least $500,000 in a Turkish business
  8. Purchase at least $500,000 into the possession of governmentbonds
  9. Purchase a unit of a real estate investment fund (property) or a unit of a venture capital fundfor a minimum value of $500,000
  • Health insurance for Russian citizens in Turkey

Healthinsurance is one of the main documents requiredfor the application of theresidence permit. You can get it from a publicorprivate company.

  • Emergencycare
  • Polyclinicservices
  • Treatment in thehospital
  • Necessarymedicines

A Russian insurancepolicy is alsosuitablefor a six-monthIkametif it satisfiestherequirements of the Migration Board. Itmust be certifiedby a notary and officially translatedin toTurkish.

Residence permit duration

How Can I Obtain A Turkish Citizenship?

A residence permit may be validforvarying periods of time: from six month suptotwo years, depending on thereasonsforobtaining it. If it is necessary, theIkametmay be prolonged with outleaving the country. For example, a studentIkamet is issuedfor a period of education, a family Ikamet is validupto 2 yearsand a short-termIkamet is issuedfor a minimum periodupto 1 year. If you leave the country for morethan 120 days, your residence permit will be invalidated. Thosewhohavelived in Turkey formorethan 8 yearsandhave not beenout of the country formorethan 1 year in 5 yearsor 180 daysper year can obtain a permanent residence permit.

What documents arenecessary toobtain a Residence Permit?

Toobtain an Residence youwillneed:

  • A completedquestionnaire
  • An individualtaxpayer number
  • Four biometric photos
  • Originalandcopy of thepassport, notarisedby a notary
  • Incomecertificateor a bank statement
  • Healthinsurance
  • Notarisedrental contract orthecertificate that you are theowner of theproperty (TAPU)

The administrativefeeforissuing the card is 160 TL.

If a foreigner is obtaining a residencepermit in ordertofind a businesspartners in Turkey, youwillneed an invitationfromthecompanywithwhichyouareplanningtonegotiate.

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Turkey for Russian citizens.

  1. Buy a SIM card from a Turkish mobile operator.

The cost of the SIM card depends on the Internet traffic and the number of minutes included in the pack.

  • Find a place to live and sign a rental contract.

The rental agreement must be notarised by a notary and must include the passport details and taxpayer identification number of the owner.

  • Purchase a health insurance policy.

You can applyfor a healthinsurancevoucheronlineoryou can gobyyourselftoanyinsurancecompany. The minimum period of validity is 1 year.

  • TranslateintoTurkishandnotarisecopies of documents.


  • Take 4 photos

Youhavetotakebiometricphotos on a whitebackground

  • Applyfor a residencepermit.

You can applyfor a residencepermitonline at the Migration Service’sofficialwebsite. Onceyouhavesubmittedyourapplication, youwillreceive a dateand time foryourappointment on yourphone.t is not possibletochangethedate of theappointmentaftertheregistration.

  • Have an interview.
  • The main purpose of theinterview is toclarifyyourreasonsforobtaining a residencepermit.
  • Migration officersspeak in English andTurkishlanguagesandif it is necessary, you can engage an interpreter.
  • At theinterview, youshouldhavetheoriginaldocumentsandcopies of thedocumentsrequiredbytheresidencepermitapplication form withyou.
  • Ifyou do not cometotheinterview, yourapplicationwill be invalidated.
  • Get a taxnumber

You can get it from the taxauthorities in Turkey oronline at the offici alwebsite of the taxauthorities.

  • Recieving an Ikamet

The Ikametcard is sent by post. The applicantreceives a textmessage with a tracking number, which can be usedtotracetheparcel.

ttakesbetweenoneorthreemonthstoprocess a residence permit, andyou can alsocheckthestatus of yourapplication on the Migration Board’swebsite – justenter your application number, contact e-mail addressand a phone number.