Archives August 2022

How can I stay in the U.S. legally?

In the United States, you need to obtain the most appropriate residence permit for your situation. Citizens traveling with a normal visa can apply for a residence permit in the United States. If you entered the United States illegally, you must apply for asylum and refugee. You cannot stay in the United States as a Fugitive. It is important to apply for the residence permit or asylum that best suits your situation.

How Can I Obtain A Turkish Citizenship?

How can I obtain a Turkish citizenship?

  1. Byrightof  thesuccession
  2. Purchase a propertyvalued not lessthan $400,000
  3. Start your own business in Turkey employing at least 50 Turkish nationals.
  4. Naturalisationbyright of the ownership, with thenecessary residence in Turkey for 5 years, with realestate property.
  5. Marrywith a Turkishcitizen.
  6. Deposit not lessthan $500,000 in a Turkish bank account
  7. Invest at least $500,000 in a Turkish business
  8. Purchase at least $500,000 into the possession of governmentbonds
  9. Purchase a unit of a real estate investment fund (property) or a unit of a venture capital fundfor a minimum value of $500,000
  • Health insurance for Russian citizens in Turkey

Healthinsurance is one of the main documents requiredfor the application of theresidence permit. You can get it from a publicorprivate company.

  • Emergencycare
  • Polyclinicservices
  • Treatment in thehospital
  • Necessarymedicines

A Russian insurancepolicy is alsosuitablefor a six-monthIkametif it satisfiestherequirements of the Migration Board. Itmust be certifiedby a notary and officially translatedin toTurkish.

Residence permit duration

How Can I Obtain A Turkish Citizenship?

A residence permit may be validforvarying periods of time: from six month suptotwo years, depending on thereasonsforobtaining it. If it is necessary, theIkametmay be prolonged with outleaving the country. For example, a studentIkamet is issuedfor a period of education, a family Ikamet is validupto 2 yearsand a short-termIkamet is issuedfor a minimum periodupto 1 year. If you leave the country for morethan 120 days, your residence permit will be invalidated. Thosewhohavelived in Turkey formorethan 8 yearsandhave not beenout of the country formorethan 1 year in 5 yearsor 180 daysper year can obtain a permanent residence permit.

What documents arenecessary toobtain a Residence Permit?

Toobtain an Residence youwillneed:

  • A completedquestionnaire
  • An individualtaxpayer number
  • Four biometric photos
  • Originalandcopy of thepassport, notarisedby a notary
  • Incomecertificateor a bank statement
  • Healthinsurance
  • Notarisedrental contract orthecertificate that you are theowner of theproperty (TAPU)

The administrativefeeforissuing the card is 160 TL.

If a foreigner is obtaining a residencepermit in ordertofind a businesspartners in Turkey, youwillneed an invitationfromthecompanywithwhichyouareplanningtonegotiate.

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Turkey for Russian citizens.

  1. Buy a SIM card from a Turkish mobile operator.

The cost of the SIM card depends on the Internet traffic and the number of minutes included in the pack.

  • Find a place to live and sign a rental contract.

The rental agreement must be notarised by a notary and must include the passport details and taxpayer identification number of the owner.

  • Purchase a health insurance policy.

You can applyfor a healthinsurancevoucheronlineoryou can gobyyourselftoanyinsurancecompany. The minimum period of validity is 1 year.

  • TranslateintoTurkishandnotarisecopies of documents.


  • Take 4 photos

Youhavetotakebiometricphotos on a whitebackground

  • Applyfor a residencepermit.

You can applyfor a residencepermitonline at the Migration Service’sofficialwebsite. Onceyouhavesubmittedyourapplication, youwillreceive a dateand time foryourappointment on yourphone.t is not possibletochangethedate of theappointmentaftertheregistration.

  • Have an interview.
  • The main purpose of theinterview is toclarifyyourreasonsforobtaining a residencepermit.
  • Migration officersspeak in English andTurkishlanguagesandif it is necessary, you can engage an interpreter.
  • At theinterview, youshouldhavetheoriginaldocumentsandcopies of thedocumentsrequiredbytheresidencepermitapplication form withyou.
  • Ifyou do not cometotheinterview, yourapplicationwill be invalidated.
  • Get a taxnumber

You can get it from the taxauthorities in Turkey oronline at the offici alwebsite of the taxauthorities.

  • Recieving an Ikamet

The Ikametcard is sent by post. The applicantreceives a textmessage with a tracking number, which can be usedtotracetheparcel.

ttakesbetweenoneorthreemonthstoprocess a residence permit, andyou can alsocheckthestatus of yourapplication on the Migration Board’swebsite – justenter your application number, contact e-mail addressand a phone number.

Which country is offering free citizenship?

Do you know? Which country gives free and easy citizenship. In the continuation of our content article about the countries where you can get citizenship the easiest. In this article, we will provide you with information by examining some of the countries that grant the simplest citizenship right. There is no country that gives free citizenship. No country gives free citizenship.

But there may be countries with attractive citizenship offers. For example, if you have a work permit for 5 years, there are of course countries that give citizenship through marriage.